About MeTRC
The Meharry Translational Research Center (MeTRC) was established to cultivate minority researchers by funding their projects and building an infrastructure of laboratories, training, and support staff. Budding scientists compete for pilot projects in hopes that their research ideas will mature into collaborative projects with other investigators. In time, they become fully funded researchers who are able to attract external funding and operate independently.
Translational research is a branch of scientific research that has developed in recent years which translates lab discoveries into actual treatments patients can use. The scientists at MeTRC look for treatments for diseases and health disorders that disproportionately impact minorities. Areas of emphasis include infectious diseases (especially HIV/AIDS and women's health).
The current MeTRC grant supports health disparities and translational research on HIV/AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and neurological disorders.
About Meharry Medical College
Meharry Medical College founded in 1876, is the nation's largest private, independent historically black academic health center dedicated solely to educating minority and other health professionals. True to its heritage, Meharry is a United Methodist Church related institution. The College is particularly well known for its uniquely nurturing, highly effective educational programs; emerging preeminence in health disparities research; culturally sensitive, evidence-based health services and significant contribution to the diversity of the nation's health professions workforce. Diverse Issues in Higher Education's ranking of institutions annually lists Meharry as a leading national educator of African Americans with M.D. and D.D.S. degrees and Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences. Visit www.mmc.edu to learn more.
Partnerships / NIH RCMI-Funded Institutions